Minister of Music Position

We are currently looking to hire a new minister of music here at St. Sacrement. While a person proficient playing the organ and the piano will be able to exercise their skills on both instruments here, we do possess a Roland electronic keyboard synthesizing the sounds of each.

The primary responsibility of this position is to provide music for our 10 am Sunday morning worship as well as other occasional gatherings pertinent to the Church Calendar. While experience within a church setting - particularly Episcopal - is preferable, we can definitely work with those whose familiarity with church traditions will require regular counsel for planning and implementing the choice of music appropriate for occasion. The Episcopal Church has numerous musical resources to help facilitate this.

While the expectations for this position is initially minimalistic, the parish community has - not long ago - enjoyed having a choir as well as a wide diversity of musically talented individuals contribute to the song we raise. It is quite possible that our music ministry, in time, will grow and evolve.

All interested persons are encouraged to contact Father Greg at (518)644-9613.