News of Upcoming Calendar Events
News of Upcoming Calendar Events
March 5
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper
Thank you to all who contributed and/or supported the Pancake Supper with their energy and presence making it a rousing success!
The Five Sundays in Lent - March 9 (Daylight Savings Clocks Spring Ahead) through April 6
Christian Education and Forum
Following Church in the Parish Hall during Coffee Hour
On successive Sundays during Lent, Father Greg will lead conversation in regards to the History behind:
The Initiatory Rites of Baptism, Communion, and Confirmation; the 16th Century formation of an “Anglican” Church; What makes the Book of Common Prayer “Common”; the Three Pronged Means of Discernment Brought to Anglican Thought and Action; and the Built-in Flexibility of Anglican Identity.
Thrift Shop Preparatory Meeting - Tuesday, March 25 at 9:30 am
In the Parish Hall upstairs
Our Parish Thrift Shop, “Henriette’s Attic”, is getting ready to open its doors again on Friday, May 16. This meeting is to help coordinate all the efforts of all those who so graciously volunteer their time and energy in making this endeavor of ours as successful as it has been. We are deeply appreciative of this ministry which you fulfill among us!
Holy Week Services from Palm Sunday, April 13 through Easter Sunday, April 20
Palm Sunday, April 13 at 10 am - The Liturgy of the Palms and Communion
Maundy Thursday, April 17 at 7 pm - Communion with Foot Washing and Stripping of the Altar
Good Friday, April 18 at Noon - The Proper Liturgy for the Day including Communion from the Reserved Sacrament; and, 7 pm - Tenebrae
Easter Sunday, April 20 at 10 am - The Feast of Our Lord’s Resurrection
All of the above occur within our church sanctuary.
The Collect for Palm Sunday invokes for us the guiding presence of God that we might “enter with joy upon the contemplation of those mighty acts” by which we are graced with life even as we walk the way of the cross. Our liturgies for Holy Week provide us with ample opportunity to enter into such contemplation evolving from the practically schizophrenic experience of Palm Sunday with its triumphal processions leading into the desolation of crucifixion. Maundy (a word akin to “mandate” or “command”) Thursday commemorates Jesus’ Last Supper with his disciples wherein he washed their feet as a way of embodying the command that we are to love one another. Good Friday’s more contemplative liturgies focus, at noon, on the cross and death of Jesus; and, at 7 pm, we will have a service of Tenebrae. Tenebrae, Latin for “shadows” or “darkness”, is an ancient and deeply moving experience. Our adaptation will intersperse a reading of the last week of Jesus’ life with the songs and hymns of Holy Week as we immerse ourselves in shadows with the extinguishing of candles. On Easter Sunday, our observance of Lent will come to end with the Renewal of our Baptismal Vows in a Eucharistic Celebration of Resurrection.