The Worship and Sacramental Life at St. Sacrement
The Worship and Sacramental Life at St. Sacrement +
The foundational experience of being a parishioner at the Church of St. Sacrement occurs in the life we share as we gather around the altar in our sanctuary. Engaging in the sacramental life of the Church, often called “the mysteries,” enables us to more fully enter into the sacramental nature of life, the great mystery of life itself and discover the heart of God in all places.
On Sundays at 10 am - and on other occasions, we gather around the altar to celebrate the Holy Eucharist which is, for us, the principal sacramental act of the church. Sometimes referred to as Communion, the Mass, or the Lord’s Supper, the Eucharist spiritually feeds us in many ways. We raise our voices in hymns and songs and prayer. We hear the witness of scripture - both Jewish and Christian, as well as a homily or sermon expounding on such. We offer ourselves as a gift back to God for the many ways in which God has gifted us including the sacrificially loving life, death, and resurrection of Jesus as made known to us in the breaking of bread together. All are invited to join us fully in this celebration.
Baptism is a sacrament which celebrates the reality of those mighty acts of God which graciously bring us into community with one another, values us for the individuals we are, and assures us that in the love God has for us, there is nothing to fear either in life or death. Those considering baptism, either for themselves or their children, are invited to call our priest, Father Greg, to arrange such.
Marriages are celebrated in the Church as a sacrament for those seeking to make a sacredly public committed union with one another. Those seeking marriage at St. Sacrement or who have questions about such are encouraged to contact our priest, Father Greg.
Funerals and burials mark a time in our lives when we grieve the loss of a loved one while acknowledging our thanksgiving for the gift of their life. Sometimes death comes suddenly. At other times, we can anticipate that which St. Francis faithfully identified as “Sister Death.” Again, our priest, Father Greg, as a representative of the love of this community at St. Sacrement, would be privileged to walk with you during such times.